Hydrological and sedimentary controls leading to arsenic contamination
of groundwater in the Hanoi area, Vietnam: The impact of iron-arsenic
ratios, peat, river bank deposits, and excessive groundwater abstraction
Groundwater contamination by arsenic in Vietnam poses a serious health
threat to millions of people. In the larger Hanoi area, elevated arsenic
levels are present in both, the Holocene and Pleistocene aquifers.
Family-based tubewells predominantly tap the Holocene aquifer, while the
Hanoi water works extract more than 600,000 m(3)/day of groundwater
from the Pleistocene aquifer. Detailed groundwater and sediment
investigations were conducted at three locations exhibiting distinct
geochemical conditions, i.e., i) high levels of dissolved arsenic (av.
121 mu g/L) at the river bank, ii) low levels of dissolved arsenic (av.
21 mu g/L) at the river bank and, iii) medium levels of dissolved
arsenic (60 mu g/L) in an area of buried peat and excessive groundwater
abstraction. Seasonal fluctuations in water chemistry were studied over a
time span of 14 months. Sediment-bound arsenic (1.3-22 mu g/g) is in a
natural range. Arsenic correlates with iron (r(2) > 0.8) with
variation related to grain size. Sediment leaching experiments showed
that arsenic can readily be mobilized at each of the three locations.
Low levels of arsenic in groundwater (<10 mu g/L) generally exhibit
manganese reducing conditions, whereas elevated levels are caused by
reductive dissolution under iron- and sulphate reducing conditions.
Average arsenic concentrations in groundwater are twofold higher at the
river bank than in the peat area. The lower levels of arsenic
contamination in the peat area are likely controlled by the high
abundance of iron present in both the aqueous and sediment phases. With
median molar Fe/As ratios of 350 in water and 8700 in the sediments of
the peat area, reduced iron possibly forms new mineral phases that
resorb (or sequester) previously released arsenic to the sediment.
Despite similar redox conditions, resorption is much less significant at
the river bank (Fe/As(aq)=68, Fe/As(s)=4700), and hence, arsenic
concentrations in groundwater reach considerably higher levels. Drawdown
of Holocene water to the Pleistocene aquifer in the peat area, caused
by the pumping for the Hanoi water works, clearly prornotes reducing
conditions in Pleistocene groundwater. This demonstrates that excessive
abstraction of water from deep wells, i.e.. wells tapping water below
the arsenic burdened depth, can cause a downward shift of iron-reducing
conditions and concurrently mobilize arsenic along the way. Vertical
migration of reduced groundwater may also impact aquifers under natural
hydrological conditions. Seepage of DOC-enriched groundwater derived
from degradation of organic matter in the clayey sediments at the river
bank was observed to enhance (and maintain) iron-reducing conditions in
the aquifer where organic matter is scarce. Once the aquifer becomes
reduced, arsenic is released from the aquifer solid-hosts but
additionally derives from the arsenic-enriched groundwater seeping from
the clay into the aquifer. This behaviour is an important mechanism for
arsenic contamination in aquifers that might not necessarily contain
enough organic matter in their sediments to induce reducing conditions
Mời bạn đọc xem tại đây: http://repository.vnu.edu.vn/handle/VNU_123/30340
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