Manganese perovskites for room temperature magnetic refrigeration applications
found the large magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in La0.6Ca0.3Pb0.1MnO3
(sample No. 1), La0.7Ca0.2Pb0.1MnO3 (sample No. 2), and
La0.7Ca0.1Pb0.2MnO3 (sample No. 3) perovskites, which were prepared by a
conventional ceramic method. For a magnetic field change of 13.5 kOe,
the magnetic entropy change (Delta S-M) reached values of 2.55, 2.53 and
3.72 J/kg K for samples Nos. 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Interestingly,
the large Delta S-M was found to occur around 300 K for all samples
investigated, which allows magnetic refrigeration at room temperature.
These perovskites have the large magnetic entropy changes induced by low
magnetic field change, which is beneficial for the household
application of active magnetic refrigerant (AMR) materials. (C) 2007
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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